Wednesday, March 14, 2007

This Semester and the Ones to Come

I ended up dropping info retrieval and taking database management systems. This semester is rather lax. I was worried about info security, but it turns out that my job and that course are complimenting each other nicely.

Registration results:
Summer 2007 - Usability Analysis
Fall 2007 - Intro to Info Policy; Intro to Info Architecture

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Spring Semester Shivers

The course content for both of my courses has popped up in Blackboard. As I read through the syllabus and various assignments, I have doubts about whether or not I can handle either of these classes. One of the classes is going to require primary research and, honestly, I don't know if I have time for that. I have explored some other options, and will see what I can manage to arrange on add/drop day.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Sick to my stomach

This morning I registered to take the GRE. I think I feel worse now than before I took the SAT...although that was so long ago I can't remember.

Monday, November 27, 2006

Halfway Done

Tonight was the last class session for one of my classes this semester. I have one paper and two more class sessions to go in the other class. I see a light at the end of this tunnel.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Taking the leap

So I guess I'm going to do it: join the graduate school craziness. I'm hoping to start next summer and go full time. Frankly I just want to get my MLS done as quickly as possible.

My Mom and Dad have said they'd help with financing this endeavor, but I'm still going to apply for financial aid and an assistantship. Can't hurt, right? Luckily I can live with my parents in New York or with a sister in Maryland and not have to worry about room and board.

There are 3 schools I'm going to apply to: C.W. Post, St. John's, and University of Maryland. I'm not sure which I'd rather go to, but I know I'd like to get out of where I'm working now.

What do I have to do next:
1. Finish my personal statement--It's harder than I thought to write it.
2. Prepare for and take the GREs--I need it to get an assistantship.
3. Fill out and send in the applications.

I'm nervous. Here's hoping I can get in.

Monday, October 16, 2006

Registration Didn't Suck

I wasn't able to register right at 8:00am. In fact, it took about 45 minutes for me to get access. However, I still got my two first choice courses:

(1) LIS 5263 Theory of Information Retrieval
(2) LIS 5916 Information Security

I suspect these two classes aren't the most popular, but they are still my first choices.

Monday, October 09, 2006

Wise Words from Dr. Marty

We had guest speakers in class today. I appreciated the words from Dr. Marty about how an LIS program was a perfect fit for him. I feel the same way about LIS and me.

"The key thing for me was that I was always an interdisciplinary kind of guy - degrees in wide ranging fields interests all over the place - and I had a hard time finding an academic home that fit my varied interests. As soon as I started the LIS program at Illinois, I knew I had found a way to combine my interests. The nice thing about this field is that it successfully connects people with diverse backgrounds and shows how we can all contribute to the advancement of human knowledge in such varied ways."